Project Initiation

Project Initiation

Software projects can be difficult to initiate solidly. Unlike a building, you can't see software or touch it or feel it or visualise it and it's hard for the layman to get a conceptual grip of its size or cost or how long it might take to build.

Good project initiation and start up are vital if stakeholders are to have realistic and common expectations, if estimates are to be reasonably accurate and if timescales are to be achievable. But how do you turn sometimes vague ideas into projects with solid project initiation documents?

Project Start Up

Project initiation is one of the topics covered in this Project Management Course. The course takes a project from the glimmer of an idea and describes the steps that should be followed to turn that idea or business need into a project that is properly understood, with a business case, a budget, a plan, resource commitments and an agreed Project Initiation Document.

The course shows the typical contents of a Project Initiation Document. A Project Initiation Workshop can be an effective way of getting agreement to those things that will be contained in the Project Initiation Document. The course covers Project Initiation Workshops: who attends, the agenda, etc.

Clearly, a key part of good project start up will be the establishment of project scope, but good project start up also requires other aspects of the project to be established including:

Project Initiation Document

The I.T. Project Management Course describes the steps that need to be taken between the need for the project being identified and the Project Initiation Document (PID) being produced and agreed by stakeholders. As well as showing how to initiate projects the course also covers how to manage projects so that the promises made in the Project Initiation Document will be fulfilled.

Project Management Training Course

Project Initiation is one of the topics covered in this Project Management Book.


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Project Initiation

Copyright M Harding Roberts

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